Wednesday, 2 March 2016

It's the Little Things

It's been a while but I'm still here. Just couldn't find the inspiration to start writing, is that what writers block is? I have all these ideas of what to write about but when it comes to actually writing, it's harder than it seems. 

As you can understand from any previous blog posts, this blog is personal. I'm not looking to pressure anyone into reading it. I started with the aim of narrating what my life is like in Greece as a foreigner and hopefully, slowly but surely I will eventually have plenty of posts to keep readers intriguiged. So hang in there, there's more to come! 

I might not live a very exciting day to day life but I try to make the most of it usually avoiding a tedious day to day rountine. There's always a point in the day where I'll do something unexpected, for example walking a different way home, life needs variety and if there isn't any it becomes monotonous. There are time are times when it can't be avoided but I think this is what Greece is about, not knowing what the next hour, day or week will bring. There will always be moment that the Greek way of life will raise it's head and say "youhoo... you're in Greece"!  That's the beauty of it. On a positive note a friend may call spontaneously asking to go for coffee, you can wake up and see a completely different kind of weather from the previous day, a complete stranger will start speaking to you whilst sat in the bank or even give you a genuine smile walking down the street. I'm not forgetting the negative moments: always needing lots of paperwork to do anything in the public sector, the word tomorrow doesn't exist and may never occur and in general being on time is not at the top of a Greeks to do list. It's these small things both positive and negative that contribute to the reason why I am in love with Greece on a whole and wouldn't change it for anything.

So today in this post I'm asking you to comment telling me what you love most about Greece and what you really don't like. It doesn't matter if you live here, holiday here or visit now and again, I want to know! 

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